+39 071 9715100 [email protected]

Ginevra Restaurant

Your food experience


Paolo Antinori

Our Creations

The Ginevra’s creations

Ginevra Restaurant

Your food experience


Paolo Antinori

Le nostre creazioni

Il Ritorno all’Essenza


An exclusive location on the port of Ancona where you can live an emotional taste experience..

Eating is an art, an act of love aiming at ourselves; here everything is cooked with experience and heart, through an original combination of tradition and innovation : this is the Ginevra Restaurant’s philosophy, a gourmet restaurant overlooking the port of Ancona.

Wisdom, Heart, Ingenuity, Passion

Ginevra is the flavour’s temple that smells like beauty, and where eating is an act of love

Gran Carte Menù

Our creations

Celebrate with us



Roof Garden

What they say about us


Umpteenth business dinner there confirms the absolute superiority of this restaurant….read more



Impossible to define
Everything is fantastic from the moment you are welcomed to the moment you are served the last meal…..read more


Simply amazing

What can you add to a breathtaking view, an exquisite cuisine and an impeccable service? Everything is simply amazing!!!


“A taste of heaven”

Dinner at Ginevra Restaurant was a real taste of heaven. The location at dinner time was marvellous….read more



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Come una Danza di coreografie perfette. 
O l’Interpretazione di un grande attore.
Ogni piatto è una Performance unica 
di tempo, tecnica e passione. 
Un’Esperienza coinvolgente. 
As a perfectly choreographed Dance. 
Or the Interpretation of a great actor.
Each dish is a unique Performance 
of time, technique and passion. 
An immersive experience. 
#thebeginhotels #feelyoubelong #ginevrarestaurant #ancona
Sono i piccoli gesti a trasformare un piatto in un capolavoro.
Tra i dettagli, si nasconde la perfezione. 
Small gestures are what turn a dish into a masterpiece.
Between the details, perfection is hidden. 
#thebeginhotels #feelyoubelong #ginevrarestaurant #ancona #seeporthotel
L’Arte del saper scegliere. 
Senza lasciare nulla al caso.
In Armonia perfetta. 
The Art of Selection. 
Leaving nothing to chance.
In perfect Harmony. 
#thebeginhotels #feelyoubelong #ginevrarestaurant #wine #ancona
Ginevra Restaurant: dove mangiare è un’Arte e ogni piatto un ritorno all’Essenza. 
Un’autentica esperienza nel Gusto. 
Ginevra Restaurant: where eating is an Art and every dish a return to Essence. 
An authentic Taste experience.
#thebeginhotels #feelyoubelong #ginevrarestaurant #ancona
Se i sogni avessero forme e colori, sarebbero sicuramente quelli delle delizie della nostra Pastry Chef @francescafrontinichicca .
Un tripudio di dolcezza e consistenze che coccolano il palato ad ogni boccone. 
Perché la felicità, va presa a morsi. 
If dreams had shapes and colours, they would surely be those of the delights of our Pastry Chef @francescafrontinichicca .
A triumph of sweetness and textures that pamper the palate. 
Because happiness must be eaten in bites. 
#thebeginhotels #feelyoubelong #ginevrarestaurant #sweetnees #seeporthotel #ancona
Una piccola pausa per ricaricare le energie. 
Da oggi, riapriamo le porte del Ginevra Restaurant e torniamo a deliziare gli Ospiti con le nostre proposte di Fine Dining.
Non vediamo l’ora di tornare ad emozionarci con Voi. 
A little break to recharge energy. 
From today, we reopen the doors of the Ginevra Restaurant and come back to delight Guests with our Fine Dining proposals.
We look forward to be back and exciting with You.
#thebeginhotels #feelyoubelong #ginevrarestaurant #ancona
Tra Eleganza, Magia e Tradizione.
Dove il vero Lusso è quello di sentirsi a casa.
Elegance, Magic and Tradition.
Where real Luxury is to feel at home.
#thebeginhotels #feelyoubelong #seeporthotel #ancona
La Colazione al Ginevra Restaurant a cura della nostra Pastry Chef @francescafrontinichicca? È come toccare la Consistenza delicata dei Sogni realizzati.
Breakfast at the Ginevra Restaurant by our Pastry Chef? It is like handling the delicate Texture of your realized Dreams.
#thebeginhotels #feelyoubelong #ginevrarestaurant #seeporthotel #ancona

Contact us

Each person has their own tastes and preferences, that is why we suggest that you book, choosing your own kind of table : maybe more intimate, or perhaps in front of the superb stained-glass window overlooking the Port. Because every choice at Ginevra Restaurant becomes special.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +39 071 9715100

Address: Rupi di Via XXIX Settembre 12 – 60122 – Ancona

Opening time: Dinner 19.30 – 22.30
                            CLOSED: Sunday Dinner

* indicates required


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Email: [email protected]

Tel: +39 071 9715100

Address: Rupi di Via XXIX Settembre 12 – 60122 – Ancona

Opening time: Open from Monday to Sunday
Lunch 12.30 – 14.30
Dinner 19.30 – 00.00